Time Changes Everything.

I reflect on the last 365 days and find myself in awe. The shift in my spirit motivates me to continue learning, growing, and developing into the strong woman I am. For years, I allowed others to poison my spirit. I found myself giving and giving until I had nothing left for myself (emotionally). I dated someone who was broken and lost; I thought I could fix them. Supporting, Loving, Listening- but always under-appreciated. While I was giving all I had into piecing them back together, I forgot about myself. All my time was dedicated into building their dream, and I forgot about my own. They failed to recognize how exhausting it was to love them, support them, and heal them. Never enough in their eyes. I began eating unhealthily, working out less, and skipping the essential steps to take care of myself. I subconsciously gave up on loving myself because I was too busy trying to heal others. No one is perfect, and no one can be reliant on someone else for their own happiness. Took me some time to recognize both of these things, and once I did- I finally saw how little I was caring for myself. Feeling under-appreciated began with how I treated myself. 365 days later, I treat my mind and body like they are the most valuable things in my life…. because they are. Loving yourself is a process. A process that takes time. Everyone needs to challenge themselves to embark on their journey towards self-love and self-acceptance. A few minutes or a few hours each day try to dedicate towards yourself. A walk to reflect on how you are feeling or a hot bath using your favorite bath bomb. You are worth every minute you spend taking care of yourself.


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